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Shadab, Asia


How did you feel during the sessions?


I felt heard and seen, my story/experiences were being acknowledged by my coach Simran and most importantly I felt safe to open up.


What impact have you seen in different areas of life due to coaching?*


Even though I started this journey with relationship topic, but it led me to a major realization about self-acceptance, and this is the area I have always struggled with. Now I am already making progress in this area. Moreover, this coaching journey have positively impacted my approach towards my love life.


What was the most surprising or unexpected thing for you about coaching?


That this coaching format of questioning can be so powerful that it really help you identify your blind spots and helps you to work towards them.


How would you like to describe Simmran as a coach ?


Simran is a great listener and compassionate person, who knows how to guide her clients to find their true potential. During our coaching journey she made me feel heard and seen and most importantly she was equally committed to my overall growth.


Who do you think(what kind of people) can benefit from my coaching ?


Anyone who is truly willing to work towards their own growth. Because you help them find their own answers just by being your authentic self.


Malkeet Ghera, Denmark

How did you feel during the sessions?

Safe place to share and reflect


What impact have you seen in different areas of life due to coaching?


Increase sense of myself and control of my life. Improved presence in my relationships and better productivity in my both my personal and professional life.


What was the most surprising or unexpected thing for you about coaching?


How important reflection is and the need to take greater responsibility and accountability for my actions.

How would you like to describe Simmran as a coach ?


Simran is a confident and understanding coach who may me feel completely safe opening up and discussing my situation. She is a great listener and supported me through my whole journey, using effective techniques and visualisations.


Who do you think can benefit from my coaching ?


Anyone who wants to make progress in their personal or professional life or needs help to make a changes, discover themselves or support reaching their goals.

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Mariana Rivero Haerdter , Argentina


How did you feel during the sessions?

I felt relaxed to share my feelings and personal issues.


What was the most surprising or unexpected thing for you about coaching?

In this world full of lost connections it feels great to be connecting with someone and talk about the real deep things that matter to all human beings.


How would you like to describe Simmran as a coach ?

I found you were very professional, caring and kind, creating the right atmosphere to share. The questioning was also thought and reflection provoking.


Who do you think can benefit from my coaching ?


Denise Copeland, Florida,U.S.A

How did you feel during the sessions?

Comfortable and safe


What impact have you seen in different areas of life due to coaching?

Doing an exercise created during one of my session to finding out the reason of over eating. Now every time I feel like over eat eating I check on my mindset. Also loving myself by allowing others to help, reminding who I am.


What was the most surprising or unexpected thing for you about coaching?

Answers are always within myself.


How would you like to describe me as a coach/ or my coaching style ?

Very attentive, caring, knowledgeable, empowering


Who do you think can benefit from my coaching ?*

Any one looking to go deeper into the root of their problems.

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Kamal, Reno, United States

What were you seeking coaching for ? 

I wanted to see a change in my relationships. With Simran’s help, my relationships, emotions, and acceptance of many aspects improved.


How did you feel during the sessions?

I felt very comfortable in every session and I felt I can be open and honest with Simran.


What impact have you seen in different areas of life due to coaching?

My relationships improved with everyone and most importantly I got a new perspective on how to handle my emotions in different situations.


What was the most surprising or unexpected thing for you about coaching?

Coaching can be really life changing if we are willing to put in all the work and I mean consistent work on our part. I started taking actions every day and I started seeing the difference in a short period of time.


How would you like to describe me as a coach/ or my coaching style ?

You are very sweat and genuine person. You want to help the other person and your style is real. I loved every metaphor you used which was so relating and I was able to see very clearly the message behind it. You are awesome and i hope you will have time for me in future when I may need you again.


Who do you think can benefit from my coaching ?

Whoever wants to bring a change in their lives, coaching will benefit. You are so present and someone who really listens, anyone will benefit.

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